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gba.js Emulator
The controls for the gba.js emulator may vary depending on the configuration, but typically, you can use the keyboard keys for input. Arrow keys for direction, Z for A button, X for B button, Enter for Start, and Shift for Select.

The gba.js emulator is an open-source project developed by Jeffrey Pfau and contributors.

Year of Release:
The development of gba.js started around 2014.

gba.js Emulator: Reliving Game Boy Advance Classics in Your Browser

The gba.js emulator is a remarkable open-source project that allows enthusiasts to play Game Boy Advance (GBA) games directly in their web browsers. Developed by Jeffrey Pfau and contributors, gba.js brings the nostalgia of classic GBA titles to modern audiences, offering a browser-based emulation experience.

The controls for gba.js may vary based on the emulator configuration, but the standard setup often includes arrow keys for directional input, Z for the A button, X for the B button, Enter for Start, and Shift for Select. These keyboard controls provide an intuitive and accessible way to relive your favorite GBA titles without the need for additional hardware.

With gba.js, users can enjoy a wide range of GBA games directly in their web browsers, eliminating the need for standalone emulators or physical consoles. The emulator faithfully reproduces the GBA experience, allowing players to revisit classic titles, experience timeless gameplay, and rediscover the charm of the Game Boy Advance library.

The gba.js emulator supports various features, including save states, allowing players to save their progress at any point in the game and resume later. The open-source nature of the project encourages community contributions, ensuring ongoing improvements and compatibility with a diverse array of GBA games.

Whether you're a longtime fan of GBA classics or a newcomer eager to explore the handheld console's iconic library, gba.js provides a convenient and accessible way to experience the magic of Game Boy Advance gaming directly in your browser.